Religion and Sexuality Initiative - Emory University

Research Seminar in Religion and Sexuality
June 9-16, 2010

Emory University is pleased to announce a second summer seminar in religion and sexuality. The seminar will bring together advanced doctoral students and recent recipients of the Ph.D. to survey current research in the field and to present their works in progress. The seminar aims to help participants write their dissertations or first books while encouraging them to establish collaborative conversations with other scholars.

The seminar understands both “religion” and “sexuality” broadly. Though its staff will have done specialized work mostly in ‘Western’ religious traditions and expressions of sexuality, participants’ projects may cover a wide range of religions and sexual cultures. The seminar welcomes the various methods in religious studies and theology, from the most focused ethnography to the grandest normative construction. It especially seeks the participation of scholars from outside the United States.

The seminar will be directed by Mark Jordan (Harvard Divinity School). Senior scholars from Emory and other institutions will lead sessions in their areas of research. Large portions of the seminar’s time will be devoted to discussing participants’ writing in workshop format. Members of the seminar will be able to use Emory’s specialized library collections in sexuality and religion.

The seminar is limited to twelve participants. Thanks to a generous grant from the Carpenter Foundation, Emory is able to pay for their travel to Atlanta and their lodging and meals during the seminar.

Applicants to the seminar should be either in official doctoral candidacy or recipients of a doctorate awarded after August 2005. They should be working on a dissertation or book manuscript centrally concerned with religion and sexuality.

Applications are due February 1, 2010. Invitations to the seminar will be issued by February 15. Details of the application and further information about the program are available online at Questions may be directed to the seminar’s Assistant Director, Juana Clem McGhee,

Emory University
Religion and Sexuality Initiative
S214 Callaway Center
537 Kilgo Circle
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
